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1. Fashion Tips Baby
2. Go Wash Your Mouth... I Don't Know Where It's Been Before
3. Given To Dreams
4. Girl's Got a Face Like Murder
5. The Lisbon Girls, Oh The Lisbon Girls
6. The 20th Century Was All Mine
7. Sarah Goldfarb, Where Are Your Manners?
8. On The Bright Side, She Could Choke
9. Motelroom. Grandpiano
10. What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas
1. A Three-Legged Workhorse
2. Villa Del Refugio
3. Threads
4. Leather Wings
5. The Mighty Rio Grande
6. They Move on Tracks of Never-Ending Light
7. Burial on the Presidio Banks
1. I Love You (La La La)
2. Bobby Zincone
3. Our Man in Havana
4. A Week In The Dark
1. "Act Appalled" – 3:22
2. "The Great Golden Baby" – 4:13
3. "Suspending Disbelief" – 3:52
4. "Handshakes At Sunrise" (Demo) – 2:48
1. Classic Noodlanding
2. End Of Music
3. White Light Of
4. Chinatown
5. Reistschule
6. Sould and Onward
7. Anything For Now
1. Soothe
2. Frail And Bedazzled
3. Plume
4. Whir
5. Blew Away
6. Pissant
7. Hello Kitty Kat
8. Obscured
9. Landslide
10. Starla
11. Blue
12. Girl Named Sandoz
13. La Dolly Vita
14. Spaced
1. Sleep/Swim
2. Green Grass Of Tunel
3. We Have A Map Of The Piano
4. Don't Be Afraid, You Have Just Got Your Eyes Closed
5. Behind Two Hills, A Swimmingpool
6. K/Half Noise
7. Now There's That Fear Again
8. Faraway Swimmingpool
9. I Can't Feel My Hand Any More, It's Allright, Sleep Still
10. Finally We Are No One
11. The Land Between Solar Systems
1. Holding Someone's Hair Back
2. Act Apelled
3. Wish Resign
4. The Glorius Nosebleed
5. In Fear And Faith
6. The Great Golden Baby
7. Stop The Fuckin' Car
8. We All Are Thieves
9. Oh, Hello
10. Always Getting What You Want
11. Meet Me In Montauk
1. Living Together
2. In the Morning and Amazing
3. The Greatest Lie
4. The Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is In The Dose
5. Madala
6. The Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is In The Dose
7. Semi Constructive Critisism
8. Kicking Your Crosses Down
9. On Letting Go
10. Carry Us Away
11. Close Your Eyes To See
12. Your Friends Are Gone
1. Absolute Future
2. Drowning the Old Hag
3. Mouth
4. Taking Cassandra to the End of the World Party
5. Ten Seconds in Los Angeles
6. The Waiting Makes Me Curious
7. High as a Horse
8. Dog Sized Bird
9. Complete and Utter Confusion
10. ...As a Result of Signals Being Crossed
11. My (Fucking) Deer Hunter
12. Lycanthropy
13. A Brief Tutorial in Bachanalia
14. A Gift for Fiction
15. Absolute Past

1. Pattern Recognition 2. Unmade Bed
3. Dripping Dream
4. Kim Gordon and the Arthur Doyle Hand Cream
5. Stones
6. Dude Ranch Nurse
7. "New Hampshire
8. Paper Cup Exit
9. I Love You Golden Blue
10. Peace Attack
1. Sisters! Brothers! Small Boats Of Fire Are Falling From The Sky
2. This Gentle Hearts Like Shot Birds Fallen
3. Built Then Burnt (Hurrah! Hurrah!)
4. Take These Hands And Throw Them In The River
5. Could've Moved Mountains
6. Tho You're Gone I Still Often Walk W/You
7. C'mon Come On (loose An Endless Loging)
8. The Triumph Of Our Tired EyesDescargar/Download
1. God bless out dead marines
2. Mountains Made Of Steam
3. Horses in the Sky
4. Teddy Roosevelt's Guns
5. Hang on to Each Other
6. Ring The Bells (Freedom Has Come and Gone)
1."The National Anthem" – 4:57
2."I Might Be Wrong" – 4:52
3."Morning Bell" – 4:14
4."Like Spinning Plates" – 3:47
5."Idioteque" (Radiohead, Paul Lansky) – 4:24
6."Everything in Its Right Place" – 7:42
7."Dollars and Cents" – 5:13
8."True Love Waits" – 5:02
1 Takk... (1:57)
2 Glósóli (6:16)
3 Hoppípolla (4:28)
4 Með Blóðnasir (2:17)
5 Sé Lest (8:40)
6 Sæglópur (7:38)
7 Mílanó (10:25)
8 Gong (5:33)
9 Andvari (6:40)
10 Svo Hljótt (7:24)
11 Heysátan (4:09)
o1.- Keep Strong
02.- Somebody Else
03.- Burning Bush
04.- Climbing Up A Bloody Hill
05.- Mr. B
06.- Give It Up
07.- Dance Sucka
08.- Upside Down
09.- Shindig
10.- Life With The Big F
11.- Rattlesnake In The Big City
12.- New Generation
13.- Nothing Touches Me
14.- Philipa Chicken
15.- What Is That You See?
No Encontré Imagen disponible y por lo que veo, mi Lista y Ordenación de canciones no es correcta, pero ps fue todo lo que encontré, Perdón
01.- 15 Step
02.- Bodysnatchers
03.- Nude
04.- Weird Fishes/Airpeggi
05.- All I Need
06.- Faust Arp
07.- Reckoner
08.- House Of Cards
09.- Jigsaw Falling Into Place
10.- Videotape
01.- MK 1
02.- Down Is The New Up
03.- Go Slowly
04.- MK 2
05.- Last Flowers
06.- Up On The Ladder
07.- Bangers + Mash
08.- 4 Minute Warning
01.- Palo Alto
02.- How I Made My Millions
03.- Polyethylene (Parts 1 And 2)
04.- Pearly*
05.- A Reminder
06.- Melatonin
07.- Meeting In The Aisle
08.- Lull
09.- Talk Show Host
01.- Talk Show Host
02.- Bishop's Robes
03.- Banana Co.
04.- Molasses
05.- Maquiladora
06.- Killer Cars
07.- India Rubber
08.- How Can You Be Sure
01.- Coke Babies
02.- Faithless, The Wonder Boy
03.- Inside My Head
04.- Million Dollar Question
05.- Pop Is Dead
06.- Stupid Car
07.- Yes I Am
08.- Creep (Censored)
01.- Chernobyl
02.- Momentum
03.- Duped94bpm
04.- Nasty People
05.- Try To Save Your Prize
06.- Broken Bass Bin
07.- I Am Citizen Insane
08.- Fog (Again) - Live
09.- Gagging Order
10.- I Am A Wicked Child
11.- Paperbag Writer
12.- Where Bluebirds Fly
Pues A Ver, En lo que Buscaba una Imagen para estos B-Sides, ví que un Wey Tenía Un Listado
Parecido al Mío Pero con uno que otro tema diferente y diferente numeración, así que la neta
no sé si esté bien o no ésta Lista y éste Disco pero ps, Ahí les dejo lo que pude conseguir
1. My Iron Lung EP
2. The Trickster
3. Lewis Mistreated
4. Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
5. Permanent Daylight
6. You Never Wash Up After Yourself
7. Lozenge of Love
8. Creep [Acoustic]
1. Sunshine + Gasoline (Godspeed You! Black Emperor)
2. L'espace au Sol Est Redessiné par d'Immenses Panneaux Bleus (Fly Pan Am)
1.2+2=5 (The Lukewarm.)
2.Sit Down. Stand Up. (Snakes & Ladders.)
3.Sail to the Moon. (Brush the Cobwebs Out of the Sky.)
4.Backdrifts. (Honeymoon Is Over.)
5.Go to Sleep. (Little Man Being Erased.)
6.Where I End and You Begin. (The Sky Is Falling In.)
7.We Suck Young Blood. (Your Time Is Up.)
8.The Gloaming. (Softly Open Our Mouths in the Cold.)
9.There There. (The Boney King of Nowhere.)
10.I Will. (No Man's Land.)
11.A Punchup at a Wedding. (No No No No No No No No.)
12.Myxomatosis. (Judge, Jury & Executioner.)
13.Scatterbrain. (As Dead As Leaves.)
14.A Wolf at the Door. (It Girl. Rag Doll.)
1. Superheroes of BMX
2. Now You're Taken
3. Stereodee
4. Xmas Steps
5. Rollerball
6. Small Children in the Background
7. Stanley Kubrick
8. Christmas Song
9. Burn Girl Prom-Queen
10. Rage: Man

1. Airbag
2. Paranoid Android
3. Subterranean Homesick Alien
4. Exit Music (For A Film)
5. Let Down
6. Karma Polie
7. Fitter Happier
8. Electioneering
7. Climbing Up The Walls
8. No Surprises
9. Lucky
10. The Tourist
1. “I’m Jim Morrison, I’m Dead” - 6:46
2. “Batcat” - 5:23
3. “Danphe and the Brain” - 5:18
4. “Local Authority” - 4:15
5. “The Sun Smells Too Loud” - 6:58
6. “Kings Meadow” - 4:42
7. “I Love You, I’m Going To Blow Up Your School” - 7:33
8. “Scotland’s Shame” - 8:00
9. “Thank You Space Expert” - 7:55
10. “The Precipice” - 6:42
Parte 1
Parte 2

1.- Planet Telex
2.- The Bends
3.- High And Dry
4.- Fake Plastic Trees
5.- Bones
6.- (Nice Dream)
7.- Just
8.- My Iron Lung
9.- Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was
10.- Black Star
11.- Sulk
12.- Street Spirit (Fade Out)

1.- You
2.- Creep
3.- How Do You?
4.- Stop Whispering
5.- Thinking About You
6.- Anyone Can Play Guitar
7.- Ripcord
8.- Vegetable
9.- Probe Yourself
10.- I Can't
11.- Lurge
12.- Blow Out