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1. Así Se Habla
2. Carismático
3. Yegua
4. Un Flash
5. Pobre Duende
6. Solita
7. Puesto
8. Falsario
9. Capricho
10. El Colmo
11. Ciegos por el Diezmo
12. Examenes
13. Muñeco
14. Luces
1. The French Open
2. Cassius
3. Red Socks Pugie
4. Olympic Airways
5. The Race For Radio Supremacy
6. Balloons
7. Heavy Water
8. Two Steps, Twice
9. Big Big Love (Fig. 2)
10. Like Swimming
11. Tron
1. Yo Anuncio
2. Pijamas
3. Escamas
4. Cuello Rojo
5. Como Eran Las Cosas
6. Microdancing
7. Las Demás
8. Estoy Rabioso
9. Nosotros
10. El Idolo
1. Myth Takes
2. All My Heroes Are Weirdos
3. Must Be The Moon
4. A New Name
5. Heart Of Hearts
6. Sweet Life
7. Yadnus
8. Bend Over Beethoven
9. Break In Case Of Anything
10. Infinifold
1. What The Hell Is Contempt?
2. Get Well Soon
3. What The Hell Is Stipulation?
4. Caving
5. The Trooth
6. Guess Who's Back
7. Take Me Home Please
8. Thanks For The Misery
9. The Fuck Stops Here
10. Love Reality
11. Laura's Australian Dance Party
12. Deathnotroni
13. Playing Dead
1. Since We've Been Wrong
2. Teflon
3. Halo Of Nembutals
4. With Twilight As My Guide
5. Cotopaxi
6. Desperate Graves
7. Copernicus
8. Luciforms
1. Nonpareil of Favor
2. Wicked Wisdom
3. For Our Elegant Caste
4. Touched Something's Hollow
5. An Eluardian Instance
6. Gallery Piece
7. Women's Studies Victims
8. St.Exquisite's Confessions
9. Triphallus, to Punctuate!
10. And I've Seen a Bloody Shadow
11. Plastis Wafers
12. Death Is Not a Parallel Move
13. Beware Our Nubile Miscreants
14. Mingusings
15. Id Engager
1 - Feelin' back surreal people
2 - Mmm... you go
3 - Shakin' eyes
4 - Can u feel men
5 - Stars
6 - Kind of wrong
7 - Play my game
8 - U turn me on
9 - Remote control
10 - 7 a.m.
11 - Nights on rush
12 - Alas de pastilla
13 - Tócame otra vez
14 - Gira trágica y amistosa I
15 - Gira trágica y amistosa II